The building known as the "Whipple Company Store" has been sold in Oct. 2018 to a private owner. It is my understanding that continual restoration including the roof and siding is in the future.
Building closed 2019
This site belongs to
whipple company store LLC 2006-2019
If you desire information on the company store, mining history, photos, books or family research you may
Call, Text, or voicemail (304) 266-0788 email
only one of its kind, Experience the rich history as we celebrate the heritage of the West Virginia Coal Miner, his family, and Coal Camp Life.
Join us for a storytelling experience as we explore the history mysteries ofthis architectural treasure.
We will unravel the questions, ♥Why a hidden safe? ♥Where is the secret second floor? How the original hand operated elevator evolved, stories from the Whipple post office,curiosities of the 3rd floor ballroom, mysteries from the dark corners of the basement. Imagine following the footsteps of coal mining families through their personal stories. Reading the stories will make the West Virginia coal mining era a Heritage not to be forgotten. This very unique architectural structure sold everything from candy to caskets, and was the center of the coal camp life. Enjoy a piece of timeless history